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The presentation was supposed to be from 12-15 minutes and we had to show our class a slide show while also speaking about the work we did for our public service campaign. The presentation did not go as well as I hoped it would. I ended up getting nervous prior to the presentation which lowered my performance levels. We had slides with little information so that we wouldn’t be reading off the board but I found myself stuttering a bit when I was talking. The slides I felt were a bit boring, they had the information they needed but I feel like we could have decorated them more. We went through all the slides in about six minutes I believe and we went up to twenty minutes after showing our website. My group should have planned out how we were going to present and what we were going to say. I should have practiced a bit more on my own as well and tried to calm down before presenting. I don’t think the presentation was bad but definitely not my best.